Do NOT Hire an Editor Without These…

Welcome to another #WriterWarnings! Earley Editing, LLC is here to help you avoid scammy editors that may or may not have your best interest at heart, let alone your story! Here's what to keep in mind...

Research several editors, review their credentials, and make a list of those you want to reach out to for a sample and a quote.

Write out a list of questions to ask each editor you reach out to. This will help you make the best decision for you and your book because you will be able to decipher which editor is best for your work. At Earley Editing, LLC, we strive for amazing, comfortable working relationships with all of our clients!

Make sure you receive a sample edit of your desired service from the editors you reach out to. This way, you will be able to see how each editor works and to see who best fits your work. What editor caught the most errors in your writing? Who was thorough in their feedback? Does the cost fit the service?

If an editor doesn't have a contract, consider this a red flag because contracts are what keep you safe, your writing protected, and help avoid any miscommunication between you (the writer) and the editor.

Get quotes (and samples) from multiple editors to see if the cost fits the service. Professional editors know their worth, but an editor just getting started will, of course, be cheaper. Going through each of these steps should help you avoid a scam editor, but there is no guarantee.

Make sure the editors you research and reach out to have testimonials and a portfolio. An editor just starting out won't have these things, but if an editor refuses to share/send testimonials and a portfolio to you is a red flag.

Hope it was helpful to some! 🤎


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