Dedicated Writing Time

Welcome to another #WriterWarnings! Today, we want to discuss the importance of your dedicated writing time, and how outside distractions can make your writing time more difficult.

Life is crazy. Which can mean that finding time to write can be difficult. You should be proud of yourself for writing, even if you only get 10 words on a page during your dedicated writing time. You still put in the effort and time to work on your story.

To make your dedicated writing time more precious, try to avoid the internet. Don’t check your email. Don’t check Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media platform. Your writing time should be a dedication. All other things are a distraction. 

Staying disconnected from the internet will help you stay connected to your writing and characters. Staying focused on your story will help you stay in the mindset of your main character(s). Thus, avoid the internet during your dedicated writing time unless you’re looking up synonyms. 

If you do “take a break to quickly check Twitter,” you will disconnect from your story/characters. This short break into the real world can ruin your ability to jump back into the world you’ve created within your story. Don’t make the mistake of disconnecting for a break you know will be longer than “a quick peek.”


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